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GPT chatbot services for businesss

October 2023 – Kindgeek, a leading one-stop-shop custom fintech software development provider, launches a comprehensive suite of AI assistant services 帮助企业无缝构建和部署由最先进的OpenAI模型及其他模型驱动的定制人工智能聊天机器人.

随着企业在客户支持方面面临成本优化的挑战, the need for improved digital service, and operational efficiency, chatbots emerge as a helpful, up-to-date solution.

Beyond cost optimization and operational efficiency, 先进的人工智能聊天机器人为大规模提供卓越的类人服务打开了大门, personalization, 以及数据驱动的洞察力,帮助金融科技企业最好地了解客户需求,发现未开发的追加销售机会.

我们致力于提供创新的解决方案,推动变革的潜力,这使我们开发了一个 comprehensive suite of AI assistant services 帮助您无缝地构建和利用由最先进的OpenAI模型及其他功能提供支持的自定义AI聊天机器人.

Looking into the business value

Recent figures indicate that 77% 许多公司承认客户服务是一项重要的业务优先事项, 73%的人认识到客户服务与业务绩效之间有明确的联系.


先进的人工智能聊天机器人使金融科技公司能够有效地应对强劲的市场动态, soaring expenses, operational inefficiencies, and ever-growing customer expectations.

Exceptional digital customer service 

With the help of the GPT-driven chatbot, 企业可以与客户建立有意义的联系,并有效地满足他们的需求, 因为它具有高超的会话技巧,能够理解用户查询背后的意图. Additionally, 这样的人工智能助手可以保留上下文并理解人类的情绪,从而形成更相关的反应. On top of that, with data from previous interactions, 企业可以在规模上个性化互动,并发现追加销售的机会, as 73% of customers expect to receive a tailored service.  

Improved operational efficiency 

基于gpt的人工智能助手使企业能够解决客户支持效率低下的问题,并通过自动化一线客户支持来提高座席的生产力. Given that 40% of tickets are repetitive,  support representatives can redirect their efforts to more complex, 增值任务,让人工智能轻松处理其余的工作,24小时为客户服务. 这样的举措不仅可以提高效率,还可以巧妙地优化成本,并将其重新定向到其他业务领域.

How it works

Large language models, just like GPT, 是为企业创建智能人工智能聊天机器人的重要组成部分吗.

With its impressive out-of-the-box knowledge, 加上大量的训练投入和惊人的NLP能力,该模型已经发展起来, harnessing these strengths becomes a matter of fine-tuning.


除了对输出质量进行微调的明显好处之外, such an approach also ensures the security of your data, as the model becomes a private one. 

With open API provided and fine-tuning available, Kindgeek专家可以连接并定制您自己的最先进的人工智能模型,通过智能聊天机器人为您的业务增强型.

Let's see the use cases 

Fine-tuned GPT can be utilized for a myriad of use cases. Here are the key potential ones:

What about the benefits

With its strengths, GPT-driven chatbot contributes to better custom care, enhanced customer experiences and satisfaction rates, boosted operational efficiency and cost savings, which all translate to better market position, customer loyalty, and business growth.

Prospects of a more advanced chatbot version

Yet, 有可能对gpt驱动的聊天机器人进行增压,使其更加身临其境, human-like experience, 在更大程度上模糊了人类互动和人工智能之间的界限.

先进的文字转语音技术加上实时动画, 企业可以打造自己的数字品牌形象,与客户进行对话,以提高满意度, 并帮助他们与人工智能代表建立更好的联系, 促进持久和互利的客户关系.

Unlock the power of GPT for your business 

OpenAI令人印象深刻的GPT模型和类似的模型是创建自定义的完美构建块, fully functional conversational chatbots.

我们的专家与GPT-3微调广泛合作,拥有必要的专业知识 to fine-tune and integrate the model within your product and infrastructure. 

我们已经确定了最佳实践,并测试了各种GPT模型,以最适合聊天机器人用例, both in terms of performance and resources needed.

Whatever your unique needs are, 我们的专家拥有必要的专业知识,以帮助您的企业利用最先进的GPT模型和类似的.

从技术咨询服务到端到端集成和快速工程, 我们的专家团队致力于在数字化转型过程中的任何时刻满足您独特的业务需求. 

About Kindgeek

Kindgeek 是一家一站式产品开发公司,说明金融公司如何通过数字解决方案充分发挥其潜力. More than 200 companies have trusted Kindgeek to build their MVPs, products, and scale engineering teams. 

From ideation to deployment and beyond, we guide through the whole process of developing fintech products. 我们从零开始构建定制解决方案,并拥有白标解决方案,可以在解决核心业务需求的同时节省上市时间. 我们的集成中心联合金融科技领导者,将解决方案与独特需求相结合. Embrace AI, open banking, chatbots, BNPL, core banking, and WEB 3.0 through our expert approach. 


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